
RIPS is the conceptual school born with a difference to experiment tested qualitative institutional practices; expose the real institutional values and to enrich dynamism in the constituents of a good school.

Now-a-days education lays great stress on an all-round development of the child. Two types of education have been recognized - one is the collective and the other individual. The modern education emphasizes more on the second one. It calls for a balanced development of mind, body and soul. The necessary environment is created in the school to attain these objectives. The co-curricular activities in the new system of education have been given quite an important place in Learning by doing and learning by living have become the watch words of new education; the school now-a-days is not considered to be a place where information is imparted and the students get only a fraction of knowledge.

The education of a child depends largely upon his activities. It is not so important for a teacher to make a child learn the things he ought to know. What he should do is to inspire him to know those things by himself through constructive activities and experience.


Royal International public School’s classrooms are equipped with interactive smart boards, laptops, Lego kits, and other innovative resources, thus making our students techno smart. This has provided teachers and students with highly interactive instructional tools enabling them to cater to all learning styles. The school is equipped with modern facilities that are stimulating and supportive of the Teaching-Learning Processes pursued to realize our philosophy. Spacious and airy classrooms, assigned to different levels, are housed in separate blocks. All the classes are technologically equipped to implement the Smart Class Pogramme. The audio-visual room and virtual classroom facility aids to provide a more meaningful and active learning experience.

The School empowered with cutting edge and internationally acclaimed Smart Class Pogramme fosters a rich and varied learning environment. Smart class enables teachers to engage students through highly captivating visuals, graphics, animation, videos, and other digital materials.


Students are encouraged to read and experience the joy of reading. The well-stocked libraries help students to gain a wholesome learning experience. Books, periodicals and a variety of other resources are made available for reading, reference and new learning. Students have access to a wide range of fiction for all age groups and reading abilities. Regular activities are planned to promote literature and kindle reader’s love for language. Technology-aided reference section for teachers and an exclusive resource center for students is another highlight of the library. The library also supports the archiving of the school's learning resources and records.

The school boasts of well-stocked library with an impressive index of titles, covering fiction and non-fiction, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers. Students are encouraged to make full use of these facilities in order to inculcate a love for books and the habit of reading from an early age. Internet facilities are available for research and study. The libraries are managed by highly qualified personnel and have thousands of age-appropriate books.



The safety and security of our students is our priority in school. In order to provide a secure environment for our students, the school has taken the initiative to install CCTV cameras around the school campus to ensure safety at all times.


The multi-purpose auditorium provides an ideal space for school assemblies, events, stage productions, and Inter-School activities.



Sports and Games form an integral part of the school curriculum. The spacious playground provides students adequate facility for all games and athletics. The school has special arrangements for indoor games like carom, chess, badminton etc. Regular coaching for sports and games such as Basketball, Handball, Football and Cricket is given to students under the supervision of trained sports teachers.



Royal Garden is a collection of plants that are scientifically ordered and maintained, documented for public education, research, conservation, and enjoyment.


The school counselor plays a vital role by offering individual counseling to help students resolve personal or interpersonal problems. Regular forums are being conducted for both teachers and students to ensure to build a healthy emotional environment. Counseling is also conducted in small groups and classroom settings.



The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel the school has its own fleet of school buses designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children. For supervision and monitoring a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey. Mobile phones have been provided in each bus that ensures efficiency in terms of service and better communication in case of emergencies. Besides ensuring the implementation of the safety norms, all staff on the bus is well trained in first aid and emergency management.


A well-equipped infirmary is not only a need but a mandatory requirement of a school. Our students’ health is of prime concern and we ensure that prompt care is taken to address both the needs of the sick and emergency in school. The school infirmary is equipped with well-maintained beds and basic first-aid equipment and facilities.

An on-site trained nurse is available to attend to any health issues that may arise during school hours. Students undergo regular growth assessments medical check-ups, and a health record is maintained for each student.


The School is equipped with an Art Room where the creative surge of the student finds expression in varying forms. It provides a whetstone to hone their budding talents. The students are geared to excel in their artistic caliber by a team of experts.


The school has regular physical education program. Coaching facilities are available for Athletics, Basketball, Throw ball, Cricket & Swimming.